”The professional skill training meets and exceeds my expectations, proving to be the best training and mentorship I’ve ever had. Every aspect of the training was easy to understand. The soft skills and project management components are particularly valuable for my career development. Applying the acquired knowledge to my job and daily tasks has been seamless. In my team, I’ve learned effective communication and the importance of inclusivity. From my experience, the practical applications surpassed theoretical concepts, which suits my course’s emphasis on practicality. Overall, I feel 99% confident. My trainer’s amazing guidance and our interactive sessions truly highlighted this program. I am grateful to be a part of it” Chinenye Nwaigbo
The training exceeds my expectations due to its comprehensive content and exceptional instructor. Mastering SQL and Excel has proven invaluable, as I’ve always aspired to become proficient in these tools. Our tutor takes the time to ensure clear understanding of each concept before progressing to the next module or topic. Applying my newfound knowledge in Microsoft Excel, I’ve successfully streamlined various computational tasks. For instance, using summation and average determination techniques in Microsoft Excel, I’ve easily extracted and computed data—such as automatically calculating staff total earnings without manual intervention.
Adaobi is a fantastic trainer who diligently imparts her knowledge to her trainees. She thoroughly explains every soft skill concept and goes above and beyond to ensure comprehension. She welcomes questions, providing practical answers with utmost patience. I am truly grateful for her guidance.
Obinna is an incredible tutor who dedicates his time to clarifying complex concepts with ease for his trainees. His hands-on approach to teaching data analysis has made the subject easy to grasp. Obinna’s willingness to repeat explanations for optimal understanding showcases his dedication as an instructor—it’s a privilege to learn from him. Armed with this newfound knowledge, I am confident in my abilities and believe it will greatly benefit me in my career aspirations” Kelvin Osai
”The training exceeds my expectations, proving to be both detailed and engaging. I find the Software Development Life Cycle to be the most valuable topic covered during the course. Developing my soft skills has greatly benefited my work environment. Previously, I preferred to work independently without much communication with others, believing it to be unnecessary. However, this training taught me the importance of involving everyone in the process, resulting in a significantly less stressful workload for me. The instructors demonstrated unwavering commitment and dedication throughout the lessons. My trainer would consistently arrive early to meetings, showcasing her professionalism and commitment as a teacher. Furthermore, she ensures all students were included in each interactive lesson, fostering a supportive environment for every participant” Ibe-Egwu Ogonnia
”Our instructors are extremely professional and strive to engage everyone. Each aspect of the training is valuable, serving distinct yet essential purposes. I find the Microsoft Excel and Soft Skills sessions particularly advantageous for my professional growth. The Excel classes have greatly enhanced my ability to organize data at work, while the Soft Skills training has helped me foster better work ethics.
All instructors excel at managing their courses effectively. The curriculum offers a well-balanced blend of theoretical concepts and practical applications, with a notable emphasis on the practical aspects. Obinna, the Data Analytics instructor, covers all components of his course proficiently. Kingsley, the Product Design instructor, moves at a fast pace and presents challenges but remains an exemplary teacher. Adaobi, the Soft Skills instructor, excels at creating interactive and engaging classes for all participants. Because of the high calibre training provided, I am confident that with further practice, I will thrive in each subject area” Adindu Sophia
Continue to Part II and discover more testimonials from our satisfied trainees!