Opening Hours: 9am - 6pm (Mon - Fri)

Self-Empowerment and Professional Confidence Workshop

Self-Empowerment and Professional Confidence Workshop

Acereal Consult is thrilled to announce an upcoming workshop, ‘Self-Empowerment and Professional Confidence,’ tailored for our dedicated trainees enrolled in our professional skills training program. We prioritize the personal development and well-being of our trainees as they diligently strive to enhance their skills and prepare for future careers.

We are honored to have Nadine Pfeifer as the workshop facilitator. With extensive experience in fostering self-confidence and empowering individuals, Nadine holds a senior management position in the UK National Health Service and boasts an impressive degree from the University of Oxford. She is also the founder of HopStair (, an online tool designed to help people, especially students, overcome mental barriers and unlock their full potential.

Over two years, Nadine has expanded HopStair without funding and assembled a robust team of professionals, academics, and advisors. As a German native with 15 years of expat experience in various countries, she offers valuable insights, authenticity, and passion while aiding others in overcoming obstacles and embracing their uniqueness.

We believe the Self-Empowerment and Professional Confidence workshop will significantly benefit our trainees by equipping them with essential tools to enhance their confidence and personal growth. We eagerly anticipate a fruitful session that fortifies the Acereal Consult community and encourages each individual in attaining their goals.



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